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Roof Safety Systems


RISSafety stairs are ideal for either external access or internal access depending on your requirements; we have numerous system configurations or specialised designs with a range of suitable components for all applications.

Most stair applications in many instances are not the same and are custom built so it is imperative that the location, design and manufacture meet the stringent AS/NZS1657:2013 standard and that the installation process is completed to the highest degree of quality. All of our systems are independently tested and certified, so there is no doubt that you are choosing the safest and most durable solution for your site.

Manufactured from the highest quality materials that are strong and built to last, RISSafety offers this quality in all areas of system design, manufacture and installation with qualified installers across the business. We know that safe access is extremely important to keep your staff and contractors safe.

At RISSafety we ensure our values are part of everything we do. These values are Respect, Innovation, Solutions Oriented and Safety.  It is these values that ensure we put our customers, clients and people at the heart of everything we do. RISSafety has a national presence and is truly able to provide the Complete Height Safety Solution – a fully integrated approach to the management of height safety and the protection of people when working at any height. Get in touch with us today, we’d love to help you.

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